Saturday, December 13, 2014

Quilt 34 January 2014

Southern Scrap Party Quilt

Not surprised I have generated an odd variety of quilts during 2014.  As the year closes out, any glance at my Google Calendar calls to mind the pendulum swings of emotion the Earth made me spin through. 

Swing high to the positive side = travel to new places!  Swing high to the negative recalls an important relationship falling apart due to misunderstanding and lack of nurturing.  Swing to the positive again to find that work and love does repair relationships and make them stronger.

The pendulum swung me far and wide about the earth.  I even made it onto Google Maps - Amsterdam.  That's me, waving at the tiny Google Pic Car. We spent the vast majority of the day sitting there on the canal, so it is very appropriate we are still sitting there in Street View. I'm still there in my mind some days this year.  

Swing to the negative to find other important things falling apart as I used my time and energy down to the bone.

Ekk!  Enough already

 I am glad my pendulum is still swinging while I piece my life back together by cutting up pretty fabric, ugly fabric, old fabric, new fabric and stitch it together in new form with new function in the way it pleases ME.  

Our local attempt to gather Modern Quilters in Savannah is one of those things that sadly fell apart this year.  I started quilting alone and I will continue alone.  Apparently, organized Modern Quilting is falling apart across the country.  With all the rules, standards and aesthetic arbitrarily being applied without consensus rocked over 1000 quilters when their work was omitted for inclusion at Quilt Con.  I'm not one of that number.  I don't dare put my work out in such a way to sit side by side with quilters who have more of something  - talent, time, skill, creativity, money, whatever it is.  This quilt is pieced with left-overs, remnant bin finds, boxer shorts, and a Hawaiian shirt! Definitely NOT THE MODERN QUILTING GENRE! 

So with those thoughts generated by the hamster spinning the wheel in my head, you see my first installment of the Year in Quilts. 

January Quilt # 34 A Gift given and received!  

A friend for life since 3rd grade gives joy to my soul. This Southern Scrap Party quilt now warms her new Charleston home. We share relationship pendulum swings, Macon Mental Health Runs and Allman Brothers music.  Then and now.  

Now for the self juried & back patting awards for this single quilt show for January 2014.  
Best Use of Scraps, Best ROYGBIV for the month, Best Quilt to Listen to Music Under while Drinking Beer with Best Friends, and best Omission of Expensive Designer Name Quilting Fabric.  Look at me go!  I now have four blue ribbons!
And an Honorable Mention for Pretending to Be A Chevron.


  1. Awesome quilt, congratulations on all the awards.

    And on having the best name.

    I saw your post on the MQG forum, I agree the forum is not so user friendly, I have the posts delivered to my email but rarely comment. I will be following you in feedly.

  2. Ah yes! the name! We Lisa's are a creative and unique bunch, aren't we!
