Friday, April 3, 2015

Finished It Up Friday

TaaDaa!  A Friday Finish

I'm home on a Friday, wooohoo!  
So I cut binding and bound the Spring Fling Green, getting done just as the sun came over the house into the back yard.

I ran out with quilt & camera to capture the sunny day and motivate myself for massive yard work this weekend before the rain arrives.  

The pieces were cut in January while my sewing machine gathered dust at the repair shop.  With no way to sew, I did a massive stash clean up, sorting scraps yet again.  

There were so many small solid pieces in odd shapes, I decided to make a dent the green scraps using the Mint Julep Quilt featured  McCalls Quilting  Sept/Oct 2013 by Lisa Bee-Wilson TowerHouse Quilts 
Look at the sun shining through the quilt to the back.  A thin summer quilt perfect for the boat and beach!

Didn't even dream of quilting to the beautiful finish she accomplished.  Well, ok, I did dream about it, I just didn't try to do it!    
Finished is better than Unfinished!

Now I'm off to the home supply store for weed-eater string!! A different kind of string for me to work with this weekend.  


  1. What's the size on this one? I love the colors.

  2. It is 62 x 73... perfect couch snuggle size. If this quilt needs to keep you warm out there in all that snow, just say the word my friend! Cannot think of a better home for it than with you, Robin!

  3. I think the quilting is perfect! It reminds me of a small pool, shadowed by trees and sparkles of dappled sunlight.

  4. why how lovely Lisa! Thank you.

  5. I hope you still have it. I want it!
