WIP Wednesday - Dizzy for Spirals
Magnolias In the Water
I'm going in circles! Spirals! Got so dizzy, I stopped quilting so my eyes would stop revolving and decided to blog a bit. Thank you Jacquie Gering and Craftsy for Creative Crafting With Your Walking Foot for setting me in circular motion.
It has been a year since I got involved with a Craftsy class. I'm glad I returned there as an early Christmas present to myself. The instruction is so clear and helpful. Spiraling is my newest skill.
Jacquie is a joy to listen to. Her quilts are some of the first I found in the Modern Movement that resonated and inspired my aesthetic.
Ditched by Da Boy for his friends on our Trivia Night. Home alone yet again. Sigh. Thus prompted the start on his quilt. It became his quilt when he twice stopped me from adding more braids into the plaid and frequent queries about when I was going to finish that "nice blue one..." It really was supposed to simply be the back of another quilt already now completed.
Pondering the possibilities for quilting a top is always the hardest challenge for me in quilting. I never know what to attempt, am usually disappointed in my execution of what every I choose and so impatient to get done, I accept any old quilting as DONE! Jacquie and Craftsy to my rescue!
Just before he walked out the door tonight, Da Boy's smile lit up when I said 'spiral'. Prompted from my brain as I had just watched the Crafty instruction.
"And start around the little blue box," he called over his shoulder as the door slams. Said and begun!
So in exchange for the cilantro shrimp with rice noodles he created and prepared, he earned his second quilt. Even if he did set it down on my fabric cutting board!!! Sheesh, young men - no brains! <grin> Gotta love mine!
Oh, I must not leave out the pattern credit! In my weekly visit to the new library branch next door, I found Elizabeth Hartman on the shelf. I had to attempt at least one pattern from Modern Patchwork. There are so many lovely quilts she makes in this book for me to pick from!
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I love the colors, Lisa! You have an amazing talent. Much love and Merry Christmas, dear girl. Next year, we can celebrate together and I won't accept no for an answer. :)