I rarely purchase books - usually out of my fabric budget - but last month a new branch of the public library opened just across from my very own neighborhood.
Welcome Live Oak Public Library to Garden City!!!
Of course I explored quilting books on my first visit.
A treasure has made its way onto my Wish List!
The list that starts with fabric, batting and now contains:
Modern Patchwork by Elizabeth Hartman
The book has been out for a while (2012) and
Oh, Fransson! was one of the first blogs I ever followed.
it is a lovely layout of inspiring quilting and huge abundance of creativity!
Oh, Fransson! was one of the first blogs I ever followed.
it is a lovely layout of inspiring quilting and huge abundance of creativity!
In my life before May 6, 2009, we purchased books - any book that struck our fancy - on a regular basis. My pendulum swung wildly those first years. I dismissed ideas of purchasing any type of book ...
and hid myself in the public library while not repeatedly checking my 401K to calculate my retirement to see if there was any chance I could stop working the paying job before I was 93....and there is no chance...
Since I do not usually refer to printed patterns or instructions (nor recipes, nor installation manuals...slightly ODD?) and just figure my way with a calculator and graph paper, I've been hesitant to buy quilting books.
The quilts by Elizabeth Hartman in this book compel me to look more closely, to change things, to use a color and but not the block, to quilt something languishing in the closet with a lovely idea she applies with flair!
I needed a backing for something just completed, and was drawn to the woven Metropolis.
I was going this far, all the way with Elizabeth, but the main man in my life wanted more blue with a larger block look and suggest I stop here:
What does he know? Something? Nothing?
I'm blogging because I have a 17 year old son whose tastes are limited to his mouth as my only creative sounding board. Yikes!
I'm still in love with Benartex Dwellings!
Those patterns keep leaping into so much I do.
What quilting books or blogs have stirred your brain?
Hoping someone will share more quilting books and suggestions!
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